Summary: Backup Education?

As technologies get broader and broader applied to our life, the conflict between the old and the new, the conservative and the adventurous tensioned. It is common to see a crowd of aged people mocking on how people are relied on technologies, and sighing as if they see the end of the world. The conflict became especially unnegligible in the field of education as Prensky described in his article Backup Education?. In it, Prensky argued that some of the adherence to yesterday’s applications not only confuse people of the direction they should be in, but put great hindrance on their way to advancement. Prensky argued that the so-called “basics” were actually the backup skills in society nowadays. The essential basis of skills keeps updating from time to time, which is a fact that the conservatives cannot accept, that it is fallible to stick to the past one. Prensky believe that as we are already in the train to a technology-guided world, the best solution is to support children, and other learners, to handle the exploding power of technologies. It is even essential for survival to keep up-to-date. To conclude, it is really a more reliable way to be in this trend to technological advancement than to stay in history. Then the future is full of possibilities.

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